Saturday, August 9, 2008

Three Things

As inspired by Fiona over at hop skip jump here are three things that have made me happy this week:

One: The 11yo girls I coach netball in won their game today and they played the best that they have all season. It was very uplifting to all of the girls to win their first game in weeks. I think having a one and a half hour training session on Wednesday really helped.

Two: The sun is shining and the weekends are beautiful, inspiring and heart-warming. I'm finally ready for the warmer weather to arrive and I don't feel off about it.

Three: Things are looking up in all aspects and I feel lighter inside. Hopefully I won't need a massage for a couple of weeks to loosen the stress my body was holding tight.

I do have more concert photos to post, and even a post or two of my film photos from various events. Leave a comment here or post your own entry about three things that have made you happy this week.

Enjoy your weekend!


cuteboysmakemenervous said...

I actually do have pedritoºs number but i already feel bad about puttin ghim on the internet without telling he doesnºt speak english, actually no wait, i think does.

i recommend that you approach every boy you are ever attracted to ever. seriously. i would say about 1/10 dudes tries to hit on me and at least half are beyond excited to have someone talk to them randomly on the street and would probably accept a date offer if i wasnt already seeing someone. and i take pictures of dudes who i usually consider out of my league. itºs crazy. its like the secret of a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for playing! I know what you mean about the warmer weather. We have had lots of rain, and while it's very nice, I'm starting to look forward to a bit of sun. :)